little boy with fever

Top 4 Effective Ways to Bring Down a Fever You Could Try

When you have a fever, it’s your body’s normal response to fighting infections caused by viruses or bacteria. However, you may also get a fever after a sunburn or from getting immunizations. Regardless of the cause, you are likely to experience symptoms such as weakness, loss of appetite, headaches, chills, and nausea. While you should always seek immediate medical attention if your body temperature is 103°F or higher, there are some steps that you can take to break a slight or moderate fever. Here is how to bring down a fever in 4 effective ways:Read More

man struggling to sleep

Top 4 Natural Ways to Beat Insomnia and Have a Good Night’s Rest

As anyone who has ever experienced insomnia might tell you, it is extremely frustrating to lie awake at night while desperately trying to get to sleep. Whether you live on your own or in a household with other family members, insomnia can make you feel as if you are the only one still awake while the rest of the world sleeps. To make matters even worse, you may have difficulty functioning the next day as you feel the effects of insufficient sleep. Rather than relying on sleeping pills or other medication, try out these 4 natural ways to beat insomnia so that you can have a restful night:Read More

cruise ship during sunset

Top 3 Tips on How to Avoid Norovirus on a Cruise Ship

If you are planning to take a cruise this winter, you may be worried about the media reports of Norovirus on cruise ships. This virus causes a condition called gastroenteritis that irritates your stomach and intestines, often leading to diarrhea and vomiting. While you can be exposed to Noroviruses virtually anywhere, they thrive in close quarters like cruise ships because they are hardy and highly contagious. Since you certainly don’t want to spend your vacation feeling sick, here are 3 tips on how to avoid Norovirus on a cruise ship:Read More

Woman sleeping

Top 4 Things You Should Know About the Health Benefits of Sleep

While a good night’s sleep makes you feel more energetic and alert, there are also some major health benefits associated with getting some shut-eye! Most adults need at least 7 to 8 hours of quality sleep each night! Teens and younger children require even more sleep than that for a healthy lifestyle. While this amount of sleep can sometimes be difficult to achieve with raising children, busy work schedules and other factors of daily life, it is incredibly important for your health! Here are the top 4 things you should know about the health benefits of sleep:Read More

tea with honey in it

Top 5 Ways to Soothe a Sore Throat with Home Remedies

When you experience the symptoms of a sore throat, this is often the first sign that a cold is on its way! The most common cause of a sore throat is a viral infection that resolves itself on its own, while a strep throat is a less common type of sore throat that is caused by bacteria and requires treatment with antibiotics. While you should always contact your doctor if your sore throat symptoms are severe or long-lasting, here are the top 5 ways you can soothe a sore throat with home remedies including the best drinks for a sore throat:Read More

people doing step aerobics in gym

Top 5 Ways to Lower Your Blood Pressure Without Using Medication

If you have been diagnosed with high blood pressure, you might be considering medication to keep your numbers down. While there are medications that can help, your lifestyle plays a major role in treating your high blood pressure. If you can successfully control your blood pressure with a healthy lifestyle, you may not need medicine at all! Here are the top 5 ways to lower your blood pressure without using medication:Read More

tension headache

Top 4 Tips for Tension Headache Prevention

You have probably experienced tension headaches from time to time, which are often referred to as stress headaches. It is that uncomfortable sensation of mild to moderate pain around your forehead or on the back of your head or neck, and it can last anywhere from 30 minutes to a few days! This is a common problem as nearly 80 percent of all adults get tension headaches and women are twice as likely to get them as men. The good news is that there are several things you can do to prevent them! Here are the top 4 tips for tension headache prevention:Read More

healthy treats for the holidays

4 Easy Tips for Staying Healthy During the Holidays

The holiday season is a wonderful time of year to celebrate with your family and friends, but it can also be a time for overeating, weight gain and possibly even illness. While it may be tempting to reach for that extra helping of a sugary side dish or chocolate dessert, overindulging can negatively impact your health. The good news is that there are some simple ways to enjoy all the festive food while putting your health first! Here are 4 easy tips for staying healthy during the holidays:Read More

nutrition bars

4 Products Marketed as Health Foods That Actually Aren’t Healthy For You

When you are trying to eat better as part of a healthy lifestyle, there is nothing more frustrating than all of the confusing labels at the grocery store! While purchasing fruits and vegetables is straightforward, it seems like every other product has a label proclaiming that it is good for your health! While some items may seem like a safe bet because of their ingredients or trendy name, you might be surprised to learn about the following 5 products that are marketed as health foods but really aren’t healthy for you:Read More

washing hands with soap and water

A Simple Guide to Washing Your Hands to Prevent the Common Cold

If you are looking for the best way to avoid the common cold, you just need to wash your hands on a regular basis! The main way that a cold gets passed around is when a sick person coughs or sneezes, which leaves tiny droplets on doorknobs, computer keyboards and other commonly used items. If you happen to come along and touch that spot, you might touch your nose or mouth without realizing it and suddenly you are infected! Read on how washing your hands can help you avoid this problem and prevent the common cold:Read More

weight loss with exercise and healthy food

Top 4 Helpful Tips on How to Lose Weight Safely

If you have made the decision to shed a few pounds, you are probably interested in accomplishing this goal as quickly as possible! However, the best way to lose weight is gradually as you may lose muscle, bone and water instead of fat when you drop your weight too fast. Rather than focusing on an immediate weight loss, read up on these following 4 tips on how to lose weight safely:Read More

increasing brain power

4 Things You Can Do to Help Boost Your Brain Power

One of the amazing things about the human mind is that it has the ability to change for the better at any age! As you get older, certain neural pathways that once existed may weaken and make it harder for you to remember things. However, you can improve your memory, build new neural connections and boost your brain power with several different methods! Here are 4 things that you can do to help boost your brain power:Read More