Flu Shot

4 Common Myths About the Flu Shot Debunked

While the flu season may have already started, it is never too late to receive the flu vaccine to protect yourself against the influenza virus! If you have hesitated about getting the flu shot for one reason or another, this might be due to some popular misconceptions about the vaccine. If you are concerned about any potential issues or side effects, we’ve got the facts for you! Here are 4 common myths about the flu shot debunked:Read More

healthy pregnancy

5 Tips for a Healthy Pregnancy You’ll Want to Know

Whether you’re pregnant or planning to become pregnant, it’s important to educate yourself about what steps to take to keep yourself and your baby healthy. From maintaining a healthy diet to creating a birth plan there are plenty of things to consider. To help you along the way, here are 5 tips for a healthy pregnancy.Read More

woman blowing nose since she has a cold

Top 7 Ways to Prevent the Flu and How to Stay Healthy

Flu season is starting up again, and you’ll want to be proactive about trying to stay healthy. While you can’t always avoid getting sick, you can try different ways to prevent the flu to the best of your ability. Here are the top 7 ways to prevent the flu and how to stay healthy:Read More

water pouring into a glass

5 Fantastic Health Benefits of Drinking Water

When you are feeling thirsty or dehydrated, there is nothing better than a glass of water! After all, your body is made of 60 percent water, and you are constantly losing water through sweat and urination. While water is obviously essential for our survival, there are also many health benefits you can enjoy while drinking a sufficient amount of water throughout the day! Here are 5 fantastic health benefits of drinking water:Read More

man grabbing side in pain

4 Simple Things You Can Do to Prevent Kidney Stones Naturally

If you have ever known someone who has passed a kidney stone, you have probably heard it can be one of the most painful things you ever experience. Kidney stones are hard mineral deposits that form inside of your kidneys when your urine has high levels of certain minerals such as calcium, oxalate, and uric acid. There are some ways to help prevent kidney stones without using medication! Here are 4 easy things you can do to prevent kidney stones naturally:Read More

cup of coffee

4 of the Best Drinks for Weight Loss to Help Improve Your Diet

When it comes to maintaining or losing weight, it is common to focus only on the food portion of your diet. However, it is also important to consider what you drink. When you select the right drinks, you can reduce your calorie intake, improve your metabolism, and curb your appetite. Put your soda or energy drink to the side and read on to find out the best drinks for weight loss:Read More

woman lifting arms with thumbs up

5 Things to Do to Have More Energy During the Day

Are you feeling a little sluggish throughout the day? While fatigue can sometimes be a sign of other health-related issues, it can usually be attributed to simple and fixable habits in your life. Here are 5 helpful tips on things you can do to have more energy during the day that could work for you.Read More

guy stretching in a gym

4 Things You Should Know About Stretching After a Workout

Whether you want to start incorporating more exercise into your routine or keep up your momentum, stretching after a workout should be part of everyone’s exercise regime. You might be thinking, “Shouldn’t I stretch before I exercise?” We are going to explain why you should stretch after your workout! Here are 4 things you should know about stretching after a workout:Read More

cup of coffee

Top 4 Health Benefits of Quitting Caffeine

Americans are currently drinking more coffee than ever before and energy drinks are flying off the shelves. While coffee itself may have some proven health benefits such as a faster metabolism and lower risk of Alzheimer’s disease, the benefits of going caffeine free are even better! Even if you cannot completely eliminate caffeine from your daily routine, it is still beneficial to reduce your caffeine consumption. Here are the top 4 health benefits of quitting caffeine:Read More

water bottle being poured into glass

Beat the Heat: 5 of the Best Ways to Stay Hydrated

Staying hydrated is an important part of overall health, especially in the warmer months. Experts say drinking 8 glasses of water a day is ideal, but everyone’s body is different. Some people may need less water while others need more. The best way to tell how hydrated you are is to check your urine; if it’s colorless or the color of straw, you’re well hydrated. If it’s dark yellow or amber, you need to hydrate. Find out the best ways to stay hydrated to beat the heat:Read More

sunscreen on sunburnt shoulder

5 of the Best Ways to Treat a Sunburn

When the weather is warm, we know it’s a great time to be out with your family and friends. If you are taking a beach vacation, you are probably tempted to lay out in the sun to get a tan. The bad news is that the ultraviolet light from the sun can penetrate your skin and cause skin damage. While the timing of the sunburn can depend on several factors, the signs of sunburn are usually the same and may include red skin, blisters and even flu-like symptoms. While preventing sunburn should be your ultimate goal this summer, sometimes your exposed skin may still get burned. If you do get burned, here are the 5 best ways to treat a sunburn:Read More